Welcome to the Philippines! This is Jennibeth.
She is 11
years old and lives in the Philippine
islands. The Philippines are more than 100 islands in the south pacific.
There are two seasons in the Philippines- rainy and dry. During rainy
season it rains every day. During dry season it never rains.
"There are many beautiful places in Philippines,"
Jennibeth says.
The islands are made up of sleeping or dormant volcanoes!
Jennibeth lives in the country.
She walks to school every
day and must wear a uniform.
"White blouse, plaid skirt, shoes, and black knee socks
This uniform is
required. I attend school all day. You are not allowed to speak
until you
are spoken to. There is no talking in the halls. You must stand when
answer a question. You must call your teacher 'master'."
"I want to be a teacher when I grow up," she says," because
I love to
learn. I think school is fun. It is neat to learn so much."
We asked her what she likes to do for fun.
"I play with my friends."
Jennibeth and her family only have a short-wave radio. No TV,
no computers, no video games.
She also has no toilet or running water. She goes
to the bathroom in a
outhouse, and draws water every day from a dug well, (simply put, a hole you
dig on your property. You keep digging and digging, till you hit water).
When asked what was the best present she ever got, she said "A rain coat.
We are poor, in my family, and I always wanted a rain coat, so when I go to
school during rainy season, I don't get there all wet!"
Thanks for visiting the Philippines! |